Hello everyone, We are conducting a research by using OSM, and We would like to get all editing history ( changesets ) of all POI's names in a particular area, such as a city or state. However, we were able to get the history of only one node, way, or relation. https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/node/708866092/history This link shows an example. " We are focusing just on the POI's names, the user who did create the POI or the change, AND the category of the POI." We searched on the Internet and found that getting what we want could be through downloading "Latest Weekly Changesets" in http://planet.openstreetmap.org/ Could you please help us if there is an easier way to get all editing history of a specific area? such as OSM API, overpass-turbo.eu, Overpass API .. etc *We are using Python as a programming language, any recommended tutorial? Thank you! |
You can download the full history data from http://planet.osm.org/planet/full-history/ . You can use the Osmium tool to extract an area from this history file using the extract command. You can then use pyosmium to read that data from Python and get the data out in any way you like. Just be aware that OSM history data is messy and difficult to understand. You really have to understand the OSM data model in detail to interpret this data correctly. Thank you for your help and cooperation.
(04 Jul '17, 03:11)