I am trying to query on hiking routes http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/q52 using the following centred on London.
I am finding I getting data I don't want which has a performance impact. I think I have two issues.
On point 1., can I process the relation - eg only output the ways that appears in my viewport. If I am interested in London I dont want details of the route near lincoln. |
If you want all relations being tagged with route=hiking but only those ways of those relations which are inside your bounding box, you should try following query:
Features of Overpass QL in use: 1
Wow, that is a life saver! Here's how I finally got just the slice of the border of Paraguay that I needed: relation(389884)->.interestingrelations; way(r.interestingrelations)->.alltheirways; way.alltheirways(-25.2,-59.5,-24.2,-58)->.waysinside; .waysinside out geom;
(12 Oct '20, 08:29)
FYI: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/Z1J relation(389884); way(r)(-25.2,-59.5,-24.2,-58); out geom;
(14 Oct '20, 19:49)
Re Shakespeare's Way - something odd about the data. Investigating further
I have an answer to this. Will write up tomorrow