Hi, Got below error while rendering vector tiles for 6th or above zoom levels. Error: Copy operation timed out Command executing that time: /usr/local/bin/tilelive-copy —scheme=pyramid —bounds=-180, -85, 180, 85 —timeout=1800000 —minzoom=4 —maxzoom=6 tmsource://tmp/project mbtiles:///data/export/tiles.mbtiles Kindly help us to solve this issue. Note: Searched in google & got this unanswered issue from git: |
I believe you have already found the answer: you need to either ask or potentially pay MapBox to fix the issue or fix it yourself https://github.com/mapbox/tilelive/issues You are using OSS that the authors and maintainers don't seem to be willing to maintain outside of their own needs and don't want to provide free support for, but given that it is OSS you can either investigate and fix the issue yourself or pay somebody to do so, completely without involving MapBox at all. Now if this was community developed and/or maintained software the situation would be slightly different. |
Your command has a @rorym: This timeout happening after 5 minutes.
(04 Jul '17, 06:02)
Oh that doesn't sound right then. Sorry I don't know how to help, unless you dive into the javascript source code.
(04 Jul '17, 08:48)