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I am building a mobile Android app with use of geodata. I wouldn't like to setup my own server for geodata but rather to use an existing and preferably free of charge service. I am estimating the feasibility of OpenStreetMap data usage.

The app shall request POI(some specific tag or group of tags) or raw data for about 100 pre-saved GPS (longitude/latitude) locations in batch mode once/twice a year for different geolocations spanning from a city to a few countries. All the data processing is planned to happen on the mobile device and thus the size of the downloaded geodata should be as small as possible to cover the processing needs.

Google Places would be good but they only provide POI data for current location of the app and don't allow/have tools for batch POI download.

As far as I could conclude from the Wiki, PBF fileblocks contain 8M OSM entities, which could match my app needs being these files retrievable on files granularity but I was unable to apprehend if this is the state and if yes, whether there is any provider and API which provide this functionality.

Will be grateful for direction.

asked 27 Jun '17, 18:47

Chainastole's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Jun '17, 17:05

Take a look at Overpass API.

(28 Jun '17, 10:16) scai ♦

  • Please do not use answers to expand or comment on questions.
  • Your fixation on PBF format for transferring data from your proposed servers is misguided (that is the polite version), using geojosn, OSM xml or other far simpler formats makes a lot more sense. PARTICULARLY if you are a "beginner level hobby programmer on the base of spare time".
  • a simple way of achieving what you want to do (without the PBF bit) would be to use queries to one of the public Overpass API servers, but naturally there are many ways to skin a cat.
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answered 04 Jul '17, 16:57

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 04 Jul '17, 22:25

I don't think you should look at blocks in the PBF file. You can use your own server and import the OSM data into a database and then write your own API which can then return whatever you want.

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answered 03 Jul '17, 14:37

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

This is exactly what I wouldn't like to do. I am looking for ways to make stand-alone mobile app with all external services provided by others. I am a beginner level hobby programmer on the base of spare time and would like to start from one operational system - one language project to be able to finish at least something. I thought there is a way to get some specific data from OpenStreetMap already implemented.

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answered 04 Jul '17, 15:09

Chainastole's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Jul '17, 15:09

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question asked: 27 Jun '17, 18:47

question was seen: 4,073 times

last updated: 04 Jul '17, 22:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum