Hi, if i involve openstreetmap to my website, does it transfers any kind of personal data, which make it necessary to put a osm specific part into my privacy policy? |
If you are very concerned about privacy you can run your own tile server on your own infastructure and use that on your website. Then you won't be using any 3rd party things (directly) on your website. |
The relevant OSMF privacy policy can be found here http://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy While, as you can see, there is no reason for concern, I would suggest including a link to it in your websites policy. |
If you embed openstreetmap in your site, with Thanks a lot for your anwser. You mean because the connection to "http://www.openstreetmap.org/.." the users ip is logged in the serverlog of the http://www.openstreetmap.org webserver?
(28 Jun '17, 10:25)
If you are using tiles from the openstreetmap.org tile servers, that means: you are using standard style tiles, yes then the access are logged on our tile servers. Note: naturally the same goes for any third party content (for example JS libraries etc) that you use on your web site that you do not host yourself. This is a topic that is largely ignored by data protection officials, but naturally can cause issues.
(28 Jun '17, 11:23)
SimonPoole ♦
Can you explain in a bit more detail how you "involve openstreetmap to my website"? OpenStreetMap is essentially just a big pile of data - but many people have built services around it, so perhaps your asking a question about one of those services?
We intigrated a osm map into the contact page of our website, to show our clients our location. (Like the google map, which you can intigrate into your website with a small bit of code) We used this tutorial https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Karte_in_Webseite_einbinden