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I'm trying to use OSRM on my own map data (in OSM format)

I'm wondering which of the ~66k OSM attributes are relevant for this, and which are ignored by OSRM.

Is there a reference someone can point me to?

asked 26 Jun '17, 13:14

dotanrs's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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answered 27 Jun '17, 07:00

Jochen%20Topf's gravatar image

Jochen Topf
accept rate: 31%

OSRM will use the tags specified in the profile that you pass to osrm-extract. The size of the predefined profiles, like car.lua sort of limits the usefulness of this answer, but the most important keys for routing are highway=* and access=*. You can see that lots of other tags are also accounted for, but those are by far the most important ones.

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answered 26 Jun '17, 19:17

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%


and oneway and turn restrictions ?

(27 Jun '17, 04:10) escada

And other tags listet at and However these lists are incomplete and partly outdated.

(27 Jun '17, 08:53) scai ♦

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question asked: 26 Jun '17, 13:14

question was seen: 4,629 times

last updated: 27 Jun '17, 08:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum