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I have followed the instructions here at the end everything works and does as its ays it shows OSM tiles however i cannot understand or figure out how to import and use my own tiles on my own pc and not use OSM tiles

please can someone give me guidence??

I have looked at this page the first part tells you to download london pdf file but i already have the pbf file I want to use so how can i use my own file and not download one mentioned?

i have looked at switch2osm but many of the commands are out of date so cant stall stuff using their instructions

I basically need an idiots guide instruction on what do do after the first instalation part

asked 22 Jun '17, 21:23

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edited 22 Jun '17, 22:10 and are guides to doing very different things. If you're looking for a clone of OSM (including the ability to edit data) then you want the former; if you want to display maps, you want the latter.

Can you expand on the "i have looked at switch2osm but many of the commands are out of date" comment? was updated very recently (to specify the database on the osm2pgsql line), so I'd be surprised if it's ot of date. Older versions of the instructions (e.g. for 14.04) I can't vouch for - by their very nature they're not "up to date".

(22 Jun '17, 23:54) SomeoneElse ♦

I would like to have my own version of the whole OSM website that I can add things I want to have and show what i want on a map (basically want to have a 13th century editable map so in theory called Open13thCenturyMap). So basically identical to OSM in every way but have my own custom map. thats why i installed the as i presumed this would do what I wanted. As I said I managed to inastall as it said on that page but now I am totally confused what to do next, I been trying for a week and totally stressed and dont know what to do.

I went to switch and followed instructions to install mapnik but even though I did that it says "

I went to the switch site and followed instructions to install mapnik but when i check its installed it says ""importerror: no module named mapnik""

(23 Jun '17, 00:08) Gordon

I just just confused that I stall from one website instructions then get told to use another website instructions.

When i test on localhost:3000 it shows the site and osm tiles but its what i need to do after the initial install as this is where i am confused as have my own pbf file but its what do i need to do after ( just need a blank uk map that can be edited so dont need the pbf i have as it only covers a 1 square mile area) the initial install as shopwn on

(23 Jun '17, 00:17) Gordon

i ahev also followed instructions on this page When i get to OAuth Consumer Keys it asks me to log in which i cannot do as i do not have an master account, when i click create new account it sais email sent but nothing arrives but that makes sense as i am on localhost, so as you can see its one confusion after another, these instructions may be find for an expert but for a novice they make no sense

(23 Jun '17, 01:44) Gordon

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question asked: 22 Jun '17, 21:23

question was seen: 3,058 times

last updated: 30 Jun '17, 15:05

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