I have followed the instructions here https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/blob/master/INSTALL.md at the end everything works and does as its ays it shows OSM tiles however i cannot understand or figure out how to import and use my own tiles on my own pc and not use OSM tiles please can someone give me guidence?? I have looked at this page https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/blob/master/CONFIGURE.md the first part tells you to download london pdf file but i already have the pbf file I want to use so how can i use my own file and not download one mentioned? i have looked at switch2osm but many of the commands are out of date so cant stall stuff using their instructions I basically need an idiots guide instruction on what do do after the first instalation part |
https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/blob/master/INSTALL.md and https://switch2osm.org/manually-building-a-tile-server-16-04-2-lts/ are guides to doing very different things. If you're looking for a clone of OSM (including the ability to edit data) then you want the former; if you want to display maps, you want the latter.
Can you expand on the "i have looked at switch2osm but many of the commands are out of date" comment? https://switch2osm.org/manually-building-a-tile-server-16-04-2-lts/ was updated very recently (to specify the database on the osm2pgsql line), so I'd be surprised if it's ot of date. Older versions of the instructions (e.g. for 14.04) I can't vouch for - by their very nature they're not "up to date".
I would like to have my own version of the whole OSM website that I can add things I want to have and show what i want on a map (basically want to have a 13th century editable map so in theory called Open13thCenturyMap). So basically identical to OSM in every way but have my own custom map. thats why i installed the https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/blob/master/INSTALL.md as i presumed this would do what I wanted. As I said I managed to inastall as it said on that page but now I am totally confused what to do next, I been trying for a week and totally stressed and dont know what to do.
I went to switch and followed instructions to install mapnik but even though I did that it says "https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/blob/master/INSTALL.md
I went to the switch site and followed instructions to install mapnik but when i check its installed it says ""importerror: no module named mapnik""
I just just confused that I stall from one website instructions then get told to use another website instructions.
When i test on localhost:3000 it shows the site and osm tiles but its what i need to do after the initial install as this is where i am confused as have my own pbf file but its what do i need to do after ( just need a blank uk map that can be edited so dont need the pbf i have as it only covers a 1 square mile area) the initial install as shopwn on https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/blob/master/INSTALL.md
i ahev also followed instructions on this page https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/blob/master/CONFIGURE.md When i get to OAuth Consumer Keys it asks me to log in which i cannot do as i do not have an master account, when i click create new account it sais email sent but nothing arrives but that makes sense as i am on localhost, so as you can see its one confusion after another, these instructions may be find for an expert but for a novice they make no sense