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yesterday I drove along a stretch of German autobahn without speed limit, whereas my OSM based SatNav app claimed "120 km/h".

When I just visited the OSM site to correct this via Potlatch 2, I found that the whole bit of road in question was tagged "maxspeed = none" in Advanced format, and "Speed Limit: -1" in Simple format.

I couldn't find any information about the "-1" value.

What exactly DOES it mean?

Regards, Jochen

asked 18 Jun '17, 09:16

Marabu_Too's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Doesn't appear to mean anything; I'd recommend updating it to none if there is no statutory speed posted.

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answered 18 Jun '17, 09:44

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

Thanks, Paul.

AS usual, the bit in question was split (by bridges etc.) into various parts. I tried editing both via "Simple" (Click onto the greyed out speed limit icon) and Advanced (remove the line "maxspeed = none"). In both casws, the "-1" vanished.

However, it seems to me that it MUST mean SOMETHING - after all, my SatNav showed a speed limit on that part of the Autobahn where there was none. (...unless, of course, there used to be an incorrect speed limit in OSM, and someone for some reason replaced it with "-1" since my SatNav app's map was issued on May 28.)

(18 Jun '17, 10:59) Marabu_Too

If you can tell us the way id or provide a link to the area someone can take a look at the roads and their speed limits.

(18 Jun '17, 18:32) scai ♦

Would tat still make sense - considering that I have removed all "-1" values?

(19 Jun '17, 13:40) Marabu_Too

If this question is resolved for you then no. I understood from your comment that you still have some troubles understanding the maxspeed from your satnav.

(19 Jun '17, 14:25) scai ♦

The -1 is possibly an display bug in Potlatch 2.

The history has it as maxspeed:none[1] and that is the correct way to tag no speed limit[2] A road with no maxspeed tag implies that the speed is unknown.

What app are you using? Sounds like it don't know how to handle none numeric data and defaulted to a standard motorway speed.


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answered 19 Jun '17, 18:52

Dalkvist's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hmm, does indeed seem like a problem with my app and Potlatch2 rather than OSM itself.

I'll take a look at some other bits of autobahn without speed limit - I'm afraid that in the Cologne region they are a bit hard to find.

My favourite SatNav app is Mapfactor Navigator on Android.

(19 Jun '17, 20:31) Marabu_Too

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question asked: 18 Jun '17, 09:16

question was seen: 3,314 times

last updated: 19 Jun '17, 22:21

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