Hello, are there scenic route data available in OSM data? (If yes) What is the the coverage and reliability of these data? We are interested into creating simple motorcycle route planner and that needs to plan the route on the scenic routes/roads. Thanks Jacob |
Highways are split into different types, there is some info here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:highway Intercity routes planned over primary and secondary highways will certainly be more scenic than those planned over motorways, but I'm not sure that is the sort of route you mean. Coverage isn't quite as good for natural areas as it is for highways, but you could also analyze where preferred highway types overlap with natural areas (parks and forest and so on, skim http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features to get a sense of what is commonly mapped). 2
According to the Wiki, the term scenic should be used only when a highway has been specially classified, either by state or federal officials, as a "scenic highway". Whether you or I consider a highway scenic is but a subjective opinion. In Thailand, where I live for most of the year, there are very few such highways so I've ignored that rule and added the scenic=yes tag to a few outstanding roads. Here is an Overpass Turbo query that will produce a listing of scenic highways in California but you can tailor it to query any state or any country. http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/pOV The query is for any type of highway that also has the tag scenic=yes Hope this helps.
(16 Jun '17, 17:37)
If i find a good viewpoint I add them to the data. This one is nice rest stop for cyclists or walkers on the Grafham Water circuit. http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.30443/-0.34403 Scenery is subjective but i guess web searches will find some jpegs for a second opinion.