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Hello, there.

I was wondering: I started tagging destination on highways around me, but been told by another user that such tag is to be put only on the way leaving the junction, not along the whole road. As a GPS user, I'm accustomed to see, on the screen, the destination to follow even outside junctions, so I'm mapping this way: I put destination even between junctions, as it seems to me that it eases the work for GPS users and operators integrating OSM data; besides, as it's only applying the same destination key-value pair on all following ways, so it's not a big deal, but is it useful to do it? Am I supposed, or required, to only add destination on the way leaving the junction only, or is it better to continue mapping the whole road?

Awaiting your answers,


asked 13 Jun '17, 13:38

Penegal's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It is my understanding that destination=* should only be on the way connected to the junction, generally the highway=motorway_link. Its use is to allow route guidance to inform you of the wording you will see on the sign marking the motorway exit.

Putting it on all ways makes no sense, especially on bidirectional ways, as generally you can get to lots of different destinations. And we are supposed to be tagging what we see on the ground, I can't recall seeing a destination sign on a highway. Maybe signs giving distances to multiple destinations, but not a sign that says this road goes to "X" and no place else. . .

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answered 13 Jun '17, 16:19

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%


As for "no place else", says "Different destinations on the same sign are separated with semicolons". I see a lot of such signs on-the-ground (above the ground, to be precise ;))

(13 Jun '17, 16:40) Piskvor

Sounds logical to me; more logical than my previous understanding, in fact. Besides, I now see that the order and presence of different destinations varies along a road, so reporting all of them along the whole road might only confuse the driver by reporting destinations that are only occasionnaly displayed.

(14 Jun '17, 08:59) Penegal

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question asked: 13 Jun '17, 13:38

question was seen: 2,343 times

last updated: 14 Jun '17, 08:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum