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We have a group of islands in the Southern Moreton Bay that are served by passenger ferries and car ferries. Both types of ferries basically follow the same route, but have slightly different on/off points due to the differing needs of cars/passengers.

Should these be represented by two entirely separate ways (as they are at the time of the question being asked), or should they be represented as a one (or more) main way, with the separation at the islands for passengers and vehicles coming off it as separate ways only where the route of the two types of ferries differ?

asked 04 Aug '10, 07:41

David%20Dean's gravatar image

David Dean
accept rate: 22%

This is a problem best solved by a ferry route relation. Don't duplicate the ways, but make sure they exist. I would tag the ways with whatever road or highway crosses the ferry (as one does with bridges, but using the ferry tags instead of bridge tags), then the ferry route with the ferry route's name.

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answered 07 Aug '10, 01:56

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

edited 07 Aug '10, 01:57

If the routes are different (ie with different start end points), then it is more accurate to map them as separate ways. It would be useful for pedestrian routing on and off the ferry.

Where there are sections where both ferries follow exactly the same route, then these ways could be overlapping, ie with the same nodes shared between both ways.

Plus the passenger and car ferries may have different names, operators or durations, which can be tagged with separate ways.

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answered 06 Aug '10, 17:23

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%


I think they should share one way. Otherwise you have to copy & paste a lot.

With a bit of abstract thinking such a ferry route could be considered like a highway (waterway of course). And the ferries are a bit like a bus route.

Maybe tagging it like ferry=car;passenger would make sense?

See also the discussion at:

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answered 06 Aug '10, 12:21

Alex_AddisMap's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Aug '10, 12:22

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question asked: 04 Aug '10, 07:41

question was seen: 5,228 times

last updated: 07 Aug '10, 01:57

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