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Hello! I am currently searching for supermarkets within a certain area, using overpass-turbo and output the addresses and all the other information from the tags to excel. Problem is: Supermarkets that are inside a shopping center or another buildings don´t have adress tags, they only have an ID, name=, openinghours= and coordinates. Is there a way to find out about the adresses and output them somehow?

asked 11 Jun '17, 17:50

razer969's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, there is, if you notice a lacking address node, you could ad it. Each shop should get an address node with the appropriate tags.

permanent link

answered 12 Jun '17, 12:42

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


sometimes the address information is only on the building and not on the POI inside. Not every data consumer can deal with this. AFAIK there is no agreement on duplicating the address information from the building on the POI. Some mappers will do this, others not.

I think Overpass is not the correct tool for this kind of data extraction. Nominatim, which has the concept of POI in building, can show the address information in such a case.

(12 Jun '17, 13:52) escada

Thanks for the answers first of all! Thats basically all I wanted to know. If there is no convention about tagging POIs like shops inside of a building, well then there is nothing left than extracting the missing data manually from nominatim.

@escada, could you maybe explain a little more, how to extract hundreds of POIs from nominatim? If that would be possible, I would be super happy! I just didn´t know that there is a possibility for that.

(12 Jun '17, 19:47) razer969

It would be better to ask a separate question for this. Depending on the amount of POIs you want to extract, you could run your own Nominatim server. Or, for a smaller ammount, you could use the one on You could run queries such as

Replace <rumst> with any town you want.

(12 Jun '17, 20:05) escada

Well, I wouldn´t know, how to implement excel-export-functionality but thanks for showing me, that you can specify queries within the URL, didn´t know that! Maybe it´s useful for the future.

(12 Jun '17, 20:23) razer969

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question asked: 11 Jun '17, 17:50

question was seen: 2,685 times

last updated: 12 Jun '17, 20:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum