It combines stairs, a ramp for strollers and other wheeled vehicles and finally a covered entrance to the building.
Hi, if there is some building level beneath the raised entrance, tag the path with layer=1 and add steps and the ramp to the way or incline=yes ( to the specific part. And ad the width of the path to it as well. 2
I would likely draw a way around the raised area and label it highway=pedestian, area =yes and layer=1 and also add the steps, footways, inclines, entrances and there is a variety of ways and personal preference to map this correctly.
(11 Jun '17, 13:16)
layer=1 is only necessary if it's on top of another object below, which doesn't appear to be the case. Also, based on the pictures, it doesn't look like vehicles could ever use it, so highway=footway would be more accurate than highway=pedestrian.
(12 Jun '17, 18:58)