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The township definitely exists in GeoNames, but I do not know how to get a trace from there, nor if it's legal, nor if it's accurate. I'm hoping that you can help me because I want to make my local area as accurate as is possible.

asked 10 Jun '17, 03:25

gappleto97's gravatar image

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Satellite imagery doesn't help here because its an administrative border. It extends far into the woods, and I want it to be accurate.

(10 Jun '17, 17:41) gappleto97

I think it is best to view each edit to OSM as "does it make the map better", not "does it make the map perfect (accurate)".

If the township is missing altogether, adding it with inaccurate borders is probably an improvement and should be done.

That said, the town government probably has a formal description of its boundaries on file someplace. If you can get that information then you can make an accurate boundary polygon (or multi-polygon relation). If you are in the United States, much of that information is public domain but check with your local authorities to see if that is true in your specific case.

(10 Jun '17, 17:49) n76

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question asked: 10 Jun '17, 03:25

question was seen: 1,133 times

last updated: 10 Jun '17, 17:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum