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Hey! I have problems, finding supermarkets in a district of a city, using area. I found an example ( which gives me all mountain peaks in the dolomites and tried to adapt it to my needs. Problem is: I can find my desired city (Hamburg) with place=city, but i´m not able to find districts, using borough, suburb or quarter or whatever. I would be so glad, if somebody could help me out! I´m pretty new to this whole thing, and i just want to find supermarkets in districts of hamburg. Maybe ther is even a way better approach? This is my code so far:


out body;
// query part
out body;
// outline
out skel qt;

Thank you guys so much! Cheers

asked 08 Jun '17, 08:46

razer969's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Jun '17, 08:50

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

Try the Overpass Turbo wizard, type "shop=supermarket in Hamburg" without the quotes in the wizard , zoom to see Hamburg on the map, build query and run query.

permanent link

answered 08 Jun '17, 09:02

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 08 Jun '17, 09:07

Hey nevw, thanks for the quick response first of all! Problem is: I want to query a search for a specific district in hamburg. The code I posted above does search for supermarkets in hamburg, but i want to specify that and search only in various districts. I tried using place=district, place=borough and so on (every entry i found in the wiki for place=) but it just doesn´t work. So any help on that end would be greatly appreciated!

(08 Jun '17, 09:11) razer969

Can you name an example for such a district?

(08 Jun '17, 09:33) scai ♦

sorry, I don't know the area but this works fine and is suburb? "shop=supermarket in Altona-Altstadt"
I would expect that you could extract those listed here

(08 Jun '17, 09:34) nevw

Thanks for the help! I solved the problem using part of the wizard´s code to specify the searching area like this:


(11 Jun '17, 17:44) razer969

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question asked: 08 Jun '17, 08:46

question was seen: 11,395 times

last updated: 05 Jul '17, 08:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum