How do you identify a street name that borders two cities where on the north side of the street it is "East StreetName" and on the south side of the street (in a different city) it is "West StreetName"? |
In Belgium we typically map this as name="name1 - name2" and we add name:left=name1 and name:right=2 where left and right are determined by the direction of the OSM-way. This will show both names on the standard map, but some people will not like that the name tag contains 2 names. Furthermore Nomination (the standard geocoder / search engine) will not find the streets with name "name1" or "name2" anymore. In the case Hendrikklaas gave (with name:nl and name:de), this name lookup still works, as name:<language_code> is recognized by Nominatim. An alternative would be to map it as name=name1 and alt_name=name2, and while this uses more standard tags, you loose the information which side of the street has a particular name. You will also not see the alt_name on the standard OpenStreetMap rendering. But Nominatim will work in this case. |
Hi just specify, the street name and ad the city name to it. Just like large city's ad the old suburb or regional name to it. It’s even possible to do so by international borders. Have a look here Ok, thanks!
(04 Jun '17, 21:50)