Hi, In order to present our work at the French SOTM (in 2 days), I tried to create a new wiki page on wiki.openstreetmap.org to list all OGC' webservices (WMS and WFS) my organization provides, at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=WikiProject_France/CRIGE-PACA Unfortunately, when I log, write, then try to save my text, an error message highlights : "Spambot error ()". I'm not able to save it anyhow, even if I can preview it. Any idea why? Is that somehow related to my email domain name ? Thanks, Mathieu K. (USERNAME for wiki.openstreetmap.org : CRIGEPACA) |
If I remember correctly you first have to edit a few existing wiki pages before you can create new ones. This is to prevent spam. Check if you find some existing pages that need an update, contain typos or outdated information. |
I suspect that because you are adding so many links and likely little text, the page is scored as SPAM. I would suggest trying with more text and less links for starters. Nope, I tried with only little text, same spam message.
(01 Jun '17, 09:22)
Finally, I changed twice the expected URL of my page, and after trying on Firefox, then Chrome, appeared to work on Opera...Well. Didn't quite understand everything, maybe some limitations for "-" in wiki pages I didn't expect, or limitations on our local network... Thanks for your time though. French OSM contributors can now have access to informations on our webservices directly on wiki.openstreetmap.org : https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=WikiProject_France/CRIGEPACA Mathieu |