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I have a query for administrative regions within a bbox which looks like this:

[out:json]; rel["boundary"="administrative"] (48.64136, 9.22671, 48.74122, 9.41370); out;

... and it works like expected. Now, at a later time I want to get a street-map for one of the administrative areas with another query:

[out:json][timeout:60]; way(area:3605732220)["highway"]["highway"!~"motorway"]["name"]; out;

... where in e.g. the id returned for the boundary relation was "5732220" ("Berkheim" part of "Esslingen am Neckar") and I added 3600000000. However this does not seem to work and the query just times out. What am I doing wrong ?

asked 30 May '17, 15:05

cssdata's gravatar image

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Did you try to increase the timeout?

(30 May '17, 15:51) scai ♦

Yes I did.

(30 May '17, 17:31) cssdata

Really? Increasing the timeout works for me and the query returns after around 90 seconds.

(31 May '17, 09:20) scai ♦

Upps, in fact I increased to 240 and the query returned with the expected result! Thank you! Any idea why it takes so long? I don't wana put unneccessary load on the servers. Is there a faster way to do this?

(31 May '17, 11:38) cssdata

What I forgot to mention: In desperate attempt to get something to work I executed the following:

area["boundary"="administrative"][name="Berkheim"]((48.64136, 9.22671, 48.74122, 9.41370)->.a;


( ._; >; );


And this returned a lot faster! However, it also returned ways form all "Berkheim(s)" even those outside the bbox. ... Very confusing! Again, thanks!

(31 May '17, 11:45) cssdata

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question asked: 30 May '17, 15:05

question was seen: 3,303 times

last updated: 31 May '17, 11:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum