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There is a discussion going on on this changeset.

Basically, this is a mini_roundabout but there are elevated physical features on the ground already in the database, from a high accuracy source:

So the question is how to settle the case, as the roads could be drawn going straight to the only node at the center of the mini-roundabout, thus crossing the traffic_calming features (which are also used by pedestrians when crossing).

The wiki discussion page mentions area=yes, but it seems not widespread, as well as having a circular way closed as a mini_roundabout.

In case you want, here is a good aerial photography: tms[20]:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png.

asked 30 May '17, 11:11

Xinfe's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

mini roundabouts in the legal and OSM sense don't really exist in Switzerland, what does exist are traffic calming features that look like mini roundabouts. As always in OSM more detail is quite permissible and given what I've already said I can't see a reason to replace the existing detail with a simplified and potentially wrong modelling.


  • you should be asking the question on the Swiss mailing list (talk-ch) , not here
  • mapillary imagery of the area in question would be helpful in determining what is really there
permanent link

answered 30 May '17, 11:37

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 30 May '17, 14:28

What you say is tricky, because it presents all the features of a mini_roundabout: drivers have to behave as in a roundabout, but it can be crossed: trucks and buses can drive on it easily.

Also, it as the signs designating a roundabout. No need for Mapillary data, I just went there to take pictures.

(30 May '17, 13:33) Xinfe

The circle line around the middle is a full line and you are not allowed to cross it with a vehicle see SR 741.21 (SSV) Art. 73

(30 May '17, 14:16) SimonPoole ♦

Fantastic detailed answer, thanks! :) (It can be read as ironic, but I really mean it) The case is settled, then!

(30 May '17, 14:21) Xinfe

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question asked: 30 May '17, 11:11

question was seen: 2,108 times

last updated: 30 May '17, 14:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum