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Has openstreetmap in plans to add speed to highways? Maybe speedcollector or something else?

asked 26 May '17, 17:19

Edd1337's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Speed limits are already tagged, using the maxspeed=* tag. Not all roads are tagged, but many are. You can see what ones are here, and add any that you have info on.

I've not seen web maps based on OSM data that directly display the maxspeed data, but it does come up on my phone, running the OsmAnd app, when the app detects that I am moving at a vehicular speed. (faster than walking, it shows up on when riding my bike or driving in my car). I believe that routing engines also take the maxspeed tag into account too.

permanent link

answered 26 May '17, 19:11

keithonearth's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%


Yes, I think the most important use of maxspeed is in routing apps - where it IS used.

(26 May '17, 23:03) aseerel4c26 ♦

ITO world has a maxspeed map

(28 May '17, 13:14) escada

Thank you.

(29 May '17, 21:56) Edd1337

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question asked: 26 May '17, 17:19

question was seen: 2,009 times

last updated: 29 May '17, 21:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum