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What am I doing wrong here?

curl ',%20Berkshire,%20England&format=json'

gives the empty response


asked 26 May '17, 13:44

nigelhorne's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Nominatim does not calculate a relationship between Wokingham and Berkshire.

I don't know why that is but I think it must be the problem with,England&format=json returning the reasonable result.

permanent link

answered 26 May '17, 16:45

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

Thanks for your reply. Wokingham is in Berkshire, so it should work.

(26 May '17, 17:25) nigelhorne

Berkshire no longer exists, and is certainly no longer a standard part of a postal address. Its possible that the ceremonial county of Berkshire (which does still have some role) has not been added to OSM, or that Nominatim does not use such information. Similar problems exist for places such as Hayes (Middlesex) and Kingston (Surrey). It is not clear that OSM can support older geographies such as these. Most countries tend to keep admin & address geographies aligned, but not the UK.

(26 May '17, 20:41) SK53 ♦

The ceremonial county is present:,England&format=json

So that fills out the answer, Nominatim is not including the ceremonial county in the address hierarchy (and any query parsed as looking for 'children' of Berkshire will return 0 results).

(26 May '17, 20:59) maxerickson

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question asked: 26 May '17, 13:44

question was seen: 3,329 times

last updated: 26 May '17, 21:00

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