Hello! We develop PC application and one of it's viewers is map viewer. We found only one way to credit OpenStreetMap on our map control. We placed non-clickable attribute to the corner of the map control. The text of the attribute is: “© OpenStreetMap contributors (http://www.openstreetmap.org)” Is it correct or we should change it somehow? We also have more extensive mention with link to https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright/en in our documentation. Is it enough for correct licensing? Best regards, Bogdan. |
The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered" by SimonPoole 24 May '17, 19:36
This was already answered on IRC, see <CGI543> Hello! I have licensing guestion. We use MapControl of DevExpress 14.2. We found only one way to credit OpenStreetMap on our map control. We placed not clickable link to the corner of map control (DevExpress 14.2 does no support clickable links). Is it correct text for the link: “© OpenStreetMap contributors (http://www.openstreetmap.org)”? May we left a link like that? <simonpoole> CGI543 can you give us a bit more context ... <simonpoole> it is unlikely that anybody knows what "DevExpress" is <CGI543> of course. What type of context do u need? <CGI543> DevExpress is a library for creating GUI, which we are used for our product. <simonpoole> well is this an mobile app, web app, standalone app on a PC is the map a main part of it and so on <CGI543> it's pc app <simonpoole> a non-clickable attribution on the map and a more extensive mention with link on the "Help" or "Info" tab where you have your copyright info would seem to be sufficient <CGI543> that app has a lot of viewers for watching different file types like .txt, word, binary data and so one. One of viewers is a MapViewer which allow to watch .kml files on the map <simonpoole> I would suggest something like © OpenStreetMap contributors openstreetmap.org for the on map attribution as that is simple enough for somebody to type in to a browser as is <simonpoole> see http://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Licence_and_Legal_FAQ#What_do_you_mean_by_.22Attribution.22.3F for more information <CGI543> we have more extensive mention with link on the "Help" in our documentation. So should we place somewhere additional mention of OpenStreetMap near our map control, or mention in our Help and non-clickable attribution will be enough? <simonpoole> you need to do at least what is reasonable, more is appreciated .... for example pointing out that the users can improve the data and perhaps provide a link to http://www.openstreetmap.org/fixthemap <CGI543> Last question to make all clear. We should change text of the non-clickable attribution to "© OpenStreetMap contributors" or "openstreetmap.org". I'm worry that I didn't understand you right <simonpoole> the point was just that I would add the domain to the text so that users can still find the website if they so wish <CGI543> simonpoole, thank you for help! Have a nice day) |