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I've installed osm3s, database and web-gui on my server.

When I execute query will get this message

AJAX error 
Request rejected. (e.g. server not found, request blocked by browser addon, request redirected, internal server errors, etc.)
Error-Code: SyntaxError: The URI is malformed. (0)

default server /suggest server : http://myIP/api/

The firebug message:

TypeError: D.a.osmLayer is undefined
t/D.a.handlers.onDone     http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:576458
e                     http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:250432
error                 http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:264950
c                     http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:22404
fireWith              http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:23221
n                     http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:69077
ajax                  http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:71685
v</this.run_query     http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:264247
Y</this.update_map/<  http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:611455
Y</this.getQuery/<    http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:587967
i/e.parse             http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:265884
Y</this.getQuery      http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:587649
Y</this.update_map    http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:611291
Y</this.onRunClick    http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:590491
dispatch              http://myIP/overpass-turbo/turbo.720be03cf00e831513e9.js:29:34146

No matter what I query when I click the button I will get this message. Is there any config or setting should I change?

asked 24 May '17, 11:19

ob9619's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 May '17, 03:04

What do you see in firebug's network tab? Does the api request return a proper HTTP/200 answer?

(28 May '17, 11:17) tyr_asd

It returned 304 even when it get png file on overpass server was show 304.However, it works smoothly on my chrome browser.

(28 May '17, 15:20) ob9619

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question asked: 24 May '17, 11:19

question was seen: 1,873 times

last updated: 28 May '17, 15:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum