Hi, We setup osm database server in centos 7. But we cant update data in that server. Below query is running long time while trigger update. (I thing reading data is very slow or cant read)
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Hi, We setup osm database server in centos 7. But we cant update data in that server. Below query is running long time while trigger update. (I thing reading data is very slow or cant read)
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question asked: 19 May '17, 08:23
question was seen: 1,655 times
last updated: 20 Jun '17, 07:42
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
You need to provide more detail on what you are actually doing, including
hardware configuration that you are using
how much OSM data you imported country? region? the planet?
are you on the initial import or are you trying to update already imported data?
@SimonPoole: Thanks for your interest. My system config are: 32 core CPU, 128GB RAM & 2TB HD in centos 7. Already imported OSM data for whole country. This issue occurring while update only.
"OSM data for whole country" - is this Vatican City, Monaco or maybe the US?
Sorry, its for whole planet.