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Hi all,

I can't import gpx files into osmand any more i've been asking several peole how to fix this, but nobody seems to know

so hopefully someone here does... -)

tried importing files for the first time yesterday, via mail, worked perfectly tried it again with another file, and since then several gpx files, error every time

if i try to open it via mail, get message i don't have an app that can read the gpx file (but i do: osmand, paid version) if i try to open the file via my downloads on my smartphone (huawei p8), i can choose to open it with osmand, message: error in reading the gpx file. if i try to open the samen files via downloads, with gpx viewer, i can open the files

on my pc downloads, it reads the file as gpx file on my smartphone downloads, questionmark next to the file (doesn't recogniwe it?)

tried to remove osmand and install it again - no change something wrong with osmand or with the settings of my phone? gpx tracks from wikilocs, my route etc so that shouldn't be a problem

anybody an idea how ik can fix this? thanks!!!


asked 14 May '17, 19:25

cyclingthailand's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 May '17, 09:09

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

I've seen in the past where people had trouble convincing osmand to open a track.

You might try locating the osmand/tracks/ folder on the device and manually copying them there, and then hopefully opening the files in the app.

(14 May '17, 20:41) maxerickson


I am using OSMAND free version. Perhaps this can help.

  1. Download the GPX fils on your "Download" folder of your handset.

  2. You can also copy paste them on Android --> data --> net.osmand --> files --> tracks --> import folder.

  3. Open OSMAND

  4. Go to Menu --> Configure Map --> GPX Track (Turn it on) and it will show all the GPX tracks that are in the Tracks folder on your handset.

  5. If they are not in the Tracks folder, click on "Add track" and find them from your Download folder.

Hope that helps.

permanent link

answered 15 May '17, 06:05

mmahmud's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 15 May '17, 09:58


For OsmAnd+ the directory will be Android/data/ You can also create subdirectories inside if you like.

(15 May '17, 09:08) scai ♦

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question asked: 14 May '17, 19:25

question was seen: 15,692 times

last updated: 15 May '17, 09:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum