I have been mapping out bike trails and I kind of goofed up. I have been creating "Path" with "bicycle=yes". But only I saw the default grayed-out value said "yes" and I didn't actually click it and select yes. Just today I have realized this error and I have made many edits with this error. When I go to "My Profile" and then select "My Edits", it lists all of my edits and the comment that I put down, but when I click each edit, it just draws a large orange box on the map. I can't really tell what exactly I edited, and in some cases the rectangle is very large. Is there a way to have it highlight the actual path that I changed or something? I would like to just step through each of my edits and quickly/easily double-check the bicycle setting on each one. |
Here's an Overpass Turbo example for finding features in the current view that a given user is the last editor of (click "Run"): http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/oYM I used cycleway because I don't recall easily where I edited a path, so just change that to path and insert your OSM username and move to an area where you want to review. If there is a space in your user name you'll have to put it in quotes, like "user name". |