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In the forest near our village we have a jogging track. This is a loop about 700m long and winds in and out around the trees. The surface is wood bark.

How can I tag this? I have tried drawing a line in a complete loop, but this is when rendered as an area, which is incorrect. I have used leisure:track and sport:running, but this is not giving me the result I expect.

Does anyone have a better solution?

asked 10 May '17, 20:30

Amanning's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I think leisure=track is the right way of tagging it. You should add area=no to the way, though. That makes it clear that it's a linear track and not an area. Whether all renderers respect that is another question.

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answered 11 May '17, 15:55

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

In German these tracks are called a "Finnenbahn", there is currently no tagging that is really satisfactory. But in any case you should not tag for the renderer, it is an issue for the developers of the style if something renders wrong, not an issue for you.

Example tagging:

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answered 10 May '17, 21:17

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 10 May '17, 21:17


I don't think that hw=path, sport=running in your example is a good combination. Granted, if the track at the same time is a "normal" path that should be routable, probably a hw=* is needed. So maybe use hw=path and leisure=track simultaneously.

(11 May '17, 16:01) TZorn

You could tag it as a route=running or route=fitness_trail relation. I'm not sure if your track really fits these categories, though.

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answered 11 May '17, 08:20

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 10 May '17, 20:30

question was seen: 3,201 times

last updated: 11 May '17, 16:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum