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I have performed my first edit and it shows correctly while in the Editor. I have added the appropriate data and uploaded the information to OSM. However, the change does not appear in the public map, even after several hours.

As a 'newbie' I am probably doing something wrong!

asked 08 May '17, 20:42

wyvern2's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 08 May '17, 20:48

FredrikLindseth's gravatar image


Your edit is there, you just have to wait a little while for the specific tile to re-render. You can read about the process here OSM Wiki:Tile rendering.
You can usually force this re-rendering by zooming to your area and force a refresh in your browser (Ctrl+F5 in Firefox).

permanent link

answered 08 May '17, 20:48

FredrikLindseth's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Thank you Fredrik. I did eventually see the footpath, but only at the highest zoom level on my PC. Strangely, the footpath is not visible on my Android smartphone. Perhaps they are rendered at a different time?

Incidentally, there is a blue dotted line where the previous (incorrect) footpath was shown. This still appears on the OSM map at any zoom level. However, it does not register as a feature on the map!

(08 May '17, 22:07) wyvern2

The blue dotted line will disappear when the tile on which it paints at that zoom level has been re-rendered.
A blue dotted line indicates a cycleway. Your corrected position maps it as a footway. A cycleway sign is clearly visible so you should remap as highway=cycleway and add foot=yes if pedestrians can use it too, unless the council has re-categorized it recently as a footway and removed the cycleway sign. The correct tags are need so that routing engines can work correctly.

(09 May '17, 02:35) nevw

Also see the answers to this question: I have made edits but they don't show up on the map .

(09 May '17, 08:05) scai ♦

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question asked: 08 May '17, 20:42

question was seen: 1,795 times

last updated: 09 May '17, 08:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum