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Hello. I hope someone can help me open OSM maps on my Garmin Oregon 600. I have successfully downed loaded a number of OSM maps (Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece and Turkey) onto my MacBook Air 11" and transferred them to a 32 Gig SD card to take with on our 4 month the cycle trip through Europe. The maps open in Basecamp but the Garmin does not read them on the device. Initially thought it was a faulty reader in the Garmin, but have checked on a number of laptops and a friends computer using a card reader and there they are, on the card. Do I have to unlock the maps or should they appear in the usual manner. I also have T4A (Tracks 4 Africa) mapping software on the card and this is picked up automatically by the Garmin. The file names for two of these maps as well as the T4A are listed below, just in case you can pick up something that is not right.

Openfietsmap Lite(NLD09-04-2017).gmap OSM generic routable new(GRC19-04-2017).gmap T4A Maps _Traveller's Africa 16.10.01.img

I am sure it is something minor that I have missed, and hope you can assist before our trip starts on 15/10.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Regards Peter

asked 05 May '17, 13:26

Peter%20McNulty's gravatar image

Peter McNulty
accept rate: 0%

Both DC rainmaker and Talky Toaster websites give good advice on Garmin map files.

(07 May '17, 23:29) andy mackey

The OSM-based maps you downloaded are in the wrong format for what you're trying to do. If you want to save the map files directly onto the SD card (or into the internal memory), you need to use the *.img files, like the T4A map (T4A Maps _Traveller's Africa 16.10.01.img). The *.gmap files are meant for installing in BaseCamp.

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answered 05 May '17, 16:32

alester's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

edited 05 May '17, 16:33

When you download an OSM-on-Garmin map file you have to choose the one for use on the gps, not the Mac or Basecamp versions. The file type you need is an .img file. Once installed on an micro sd and inserted into your Garmin goto set-up: map: select map: then enable the map(s) you want to work. An interesting result I have seen is that a routable osm.img map won't be displayed while you have an Ordinance Survey Map ( an expensive GB Paid for map) activated, the OSM map will be drawn underneath the Ord Survey map ( or even a Custom Map) But the great thing is routing works assuming your osm-on-garmin is a routable one. The top most map is governed by it's Draw order number that was allocated when the map was built with MKG Map or some other program.

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answered 08 May '17, 08:04

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andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

Note:- routing works on the older Oregon 450 and a Vista HCX. but the map on older devices such as the HCX must be called gmapsupp.img ( so only one can be installed ).

(08 May '17, 08:10) andy mackey

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question asked: 05 May '17, 13:26

question was seen: 4,545 times

last updated: 08 May '17, 08:10

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