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i am interested in downloading only a specific tag. I would like to download all data in germany with the tag military, but i don´t find a solution and i don´t want to download alle the 1,4gb data for germany. can anyone tell me a solution?



asked 07 Jun '11, 15:05

Alex%20Strunck's gravatar image

Alex Strunck
accept rate: 0%

The fastest and most reliable way really is downloading the Germany PBF extract which has just below 1 GB, and run that through Osmosis' tag filter option.

There are some services that try to filter information for you, most notably XAPI in its variants and Server Side Script but they are likely to struggle handing out such an amount of data. Keep in mind that these are privately operated services where someone has to go through some effort to maintain a current and properly indexed database of OSM objects in order to satisfy a query such as yours.

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answered 07 Jun '11, 15:15

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

When you have downloaded the whole OSM data for your country as a quite compact PBF file you can also convert it into the recently introduced o5m format and use o5mfilter, which can be easier for simple filter actions.

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answered 07 Jun '11, 17:17

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 07 Jun '11, 15:05

question was seen: 5,290 times

last updated: 07 Jun '11, 17:17

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