Hello, I am new to open street map and I registered in the first place to give a name to my home road. To do that, I first have to split and merge some ways which is no problem. The problem arises when I got my way correctly merged into one way: in real world, it starts as a "residencial road", continues as a "pedestrian street" and ends with "steps" - but it's always the same road, "Rua Santo António da Glória" (in Lisbon). So far I could not find a way to do that - three types for one way. Would I have to define 3 different ways and give them all the same name, or is there a better way to do this? |
By far, the most prolific method of handling this situation is to define three different ways with the same name. |
People sometimes use a relation for this. A relation is a grouping of several simple objects; in this case you would make your three ways members of the relation, and tag the relation "type=street" and "name=Rua Santo António da Glória". This is a good way to say that these three bits form one and the same road. However, this is not very common, and thus most software does not work well with such modeling. For example, JOSM is likely to warn you about a "street with no name" when you upload, and the main page Mapnik rendering will not show the name either. |
It is a common reality that a name may apply to different types of ways. Think of it like this: A route, for example, will have a name, lets say there is a fictional "Bridgeton Coastal Walk" . Such a walking route may take paths, tracks, roads, roundabouts etc. These ways may have their own names and if they do the "Bridgeton Coastal Walk" may only be on a portion of them. That means that a road with a name must be divided into portions to fit the needs of the route. In addition many routes can use the same way: For example: Part of the "Bridgeton Coastal Walk" may also be authorized to be used as the "Bridgeton Cycle Route". This is very common to OSM and OSM has evolved elegant methods to enter such complex ways. As a newcomer you should be aware of these issues. Get involved with relations ASAP. It is not as difficult as it sounds. Good luck and have fun! As to your actual task, just edit the highway=residential, highway=pedestrian and highway=steps giving them the name=Rua Santo António da Glória JOSM allows you to do this with one edit. I don't know about Potlach! |
Thank you very much for your answers, for the time being I used the approach "different ways same name" and I will look at the relations topic. (Btw, I removed the pedestrian part because it is just a larger part of the sidewalk connecting the road and the steps.)