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Kann man hier auch Fragen in Deutsch stellen? Und sie eventuell auch in Deutsch beantwortet bekommen?

Can you put here questions in German, too? And possibly in German also get them answered?

asked 10 Jul '10, 17:04

fx99's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Dec '11, 17:34

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


I remember, in the good old Usenet times, multilingual users would add language tags to their signature, like for instance


Hervé S. [fr,es,en,it]

...Maybe we can add this to our profile here too to start with?

(12 Apr '11, 18:03) Herve5

@herve5 we still have "babelfish" in wikis. :)

(04 Oct '17, 21:44) Nemo_bis


Ja, diese Seite ist nicht nur fur Englisch Sprechende leute.

Yes, this page is not just for English speaking people.

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answered 10 Jul '10, 17:55

%C3%86var%20Arnfj%C3%B6r%C3%B0%20Bjarmason's gravatar image

Ævar Arnfjör...
accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Jul '10, 10:09

randomjunk's gravatar image


Consider using the tag system for languages in lieu of a proper multi-language feature on osqa.

Tag questions in a specific language with lang-(ISO 639-1 code). e.g. lang-de.

OSQA does allow users to have "ignored tags" ("blacklisting"), so users wishing to not see foreign language questions are able to do that in a rudimentary way.

Community tagging should allow us to get quite good coverage of language tags to questions.

The flaw with this is that there isn't (yet) a "whitelisting" feature for tags, meaning a (e.g.) German user wouldn't be able to filter out untagged (implying english) questions. But for now it's probably better than nothing.

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answered 27 Nov '11, 16:46

robert's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Technisch möglich, nur würden dann alle nicht deutsch sprechenden Personen die Frage und auch die Antworten nicht kapieren und mit "Minus" Voten für die Frage und die Antworten.

Somit ist es strategisch besser auf z.B. eine eigene Subdomain für jedes Land zu warten. Oder Sprachfilter in Flaggenform am oberen Rand der Seite.

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answered 21 Jul '10, 06:43

DennisB's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

With so easily accessible online translation tools and browser plugins, anyone can understand it. There is no real reason to downvote questions in any language. Country subdomains, on the other hand, are a very bad idea. It would very likely lead to divergence in tagging and finally to the impossibility to use any tools internationally.

(27 Nov '11, 19:17) LM_1

wie plant man touren?

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answered 19 Jan '11, 09:34

Smilus's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


This is not an answer to the original question. Nor in the language commonly used here.

(19 Jan '11, 10:20) petschge

@Smilus: Stelle deine Frage doch erneut unter -> Users:Germany ... und bitte etwas mehr Infos zu deiner Frage :-)

EN: come to and re-aks at german subsection.

(19 Jan '11, 17:22) stephan75

Can questions/answers be flagged and filtered by language?

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answered 21 Jul '10, 06:46

JohnSmith's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


John, that's not an answer to the original question

(21 Jul '10, 12:19) Andy Allan

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question asked: 10 Jul '10, 17:04

question was seen: 12,604 times

last updated: 04 Oct '17, 21:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum