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I'm new at OSM, and today I made my first building edit (the school and a residential building here:

I used JOSM, and make it with Bing Aerial images and my pictures, but when I finised I look over the options for layers in JOSM for all the options (and choose the best one for the zone). The most interesting is the Spanish Cadastre (Cadastro Español), in which there are alredy drawn buildings and adresses.

My plan was to draw buildings and put adresses and shops in this town, becouse there aren't many. Can I use the Cadastre as a guide to draw the buildings and put the adresses with JOSM? I look over the wiki for the answer, but I can't see a clear answer. In some places it says that yes, but with source=catasro, others than I can make but only upload with an especific user (I don't understand this at all...) and in others that I must use an app to convert this, but correcting some mistakes (I would prefer doing it by hand...).

Can anyone give me an explanation? Or a guide? I don't want to violate Copiright or make something wrong...

asked 01 May '17, 20:10

MrAldisa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

No problem! You can use the Spanish Cadastre. The information is free and compatible with OSM license. The Spanish Community usually use the Spanish Cadastre WMS server to map buildings and addresses. It is the best source!

More details: (OSM Wiki in Spanish)

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answered 02 May '17, 07:56

dcapillae_old's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Ok thanks! When I found it I feel like is cheating for buildings, there are so detailed! Even though there are mistakes, like old road names, but it's so useful at the end... Thanks!

(02 May '17, 08:05) MrAldisa

My general impression is that if the layer is being provided by JOSM it is very likely the licensing is compatible with OSM.

It looks like the Cadastro Español layer is from It seems that the newer site for that is but my very limited Spanish fails me at that point on finding the license the data is being provided under.

It is probably okay to use that layer, but you may want to read through the links above to see if you think the licensing is compatible.

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answered 01 May '17, 20:50

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%


After a lot of search in the link I found this: and this:

The first one is the Licence. It says that we have the right of distribute the information of the Cadastro under a modification, not raw distribution, so if I copy the data on OSM I'm modifying it to fit OSM right?

And to give credit in source I put: "Cadastro, Dirección General del Catastro" isn't it?

(01 May '17, 21:34) MrAldisa

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question asked: 01 May '17, 20:10

question was seen: 2,457 times

last updated: 02 May '17, 08:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum