Hello, i am trying to get areas working on my overpass interpreter following this tutorial: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Installation#Area_creation when i run the loop i get these errors in my nohup.out (many times) but the loop keeps running and the files are created. i can query the areas but i get no elements:
it says the theres no such file, but there is. So im wondering what i can do to show the script that the files do exist. nohup bin/rules_loop.sh db & That was the line i ran. I can see the script is still active in my ps -ef but im not confident it will finish correctly with these errors. Thanks |
It's been a long time since this question was asked... The rules_loop.sh script needs either an absolute path to the database directory, or a relative path with respect to the bin directory. Note that this is different to all the other tools that need to be started - these require relative paths with respect to the current directory. |