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Hi there,

I've added the Evelina Children's Hospital (which is part of St Thomas' hospital) in London. You can view it here: It is just south of the two St Thomas' Hospital buildings. I have saved my edit but the hospital I've added only appears in edit mode and only as an outline.

What would I be doing wrong?



asked 06 Jun '11, 19:42

chrisevans1001's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It's definitely there - tagged differently to the others (but not necessarily incorrectly) - we need to wait for the tile renderer to pick it up - might take a little while so don't panic - come back to it later/tomorrow...

Cheers Chris

permanent link

answered 06 Jun '11, 20:00

c2r's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

In fact, it's just appeared (o:

(06 Jun '11, 20:01) c2r

Ah didn't realise we had to wait! Cheers for the reply.

permanent link

answered 06 Jun '11, 21:04

chrisevans1001's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

no worries, Potlatch grabs data as required for editing, so is effectively live data, but the tile renderer can take a while - particularly at some zoom levels - stuff appears eventually though!

(06 Jun '11, 21:24) c2r

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question asked: 06 Jun '11, 19:42

question was seen: 3,375 times

last updated: 06 Jun '11, 21:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum