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I'm new with OSM/JmapViewer and are currently trying to convert a swing app with esri java sdk to OSM. In esri sdk I have some geometry operations functions like (cross, intersect, ...) and geographic transformations (projections ).
With JTS and geotools library its possible to get this funcionality but we need to convert the mapobjects geometries from jmapviewer to jts geometries. My question is if is possible to use JTS geometries directly with jmapviewer to draw markers, lines and polygons over OSM layers. So when need to make some geometric operation, it will easy to use jts/geotools librarys. Thare are some implementation like that ? if not, how would be the right to do this within the jmapviewer architecture?

thank you.


asked 26 Apr '17, 11:10

lrueckert's gravatar image

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question asked: 26 Apr '17, 11:10

question was seen: 1,288 times

last updated: 26 Apr '17, 11:10

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