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Eg this building, which is located in Vionnaz municipality, is tagged with:

addr:city Torgon addr:housenumber 90 addr:postcode 1899 addr:street Route de Plan-de-Croix

but looking up Route de Plan-de-Croix 90 Torgon in the search field does not give any result. What do I have to change, so that the search finds the building?

asked 25 Apr '17, 12:44

SelfishSeahorse's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This is reasonably simple, Torgon is defined as a polygon which does not include the building you referenced.

You either need to expand the polygon (by adding the additional areas that belong to Torgon to it), or create a place node for Torgon (which will not work as good as a polygon). There may be an effort coming up to add post code areas to OSM in Switzerland see the discussion on the Swiss mailing list, however that will only help with postal cities, not with the multitude of other places.

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answered 25 Apr '17, 13:38

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thanks for your explanation! However, there are even buildings inside the Torgon polygon - eg Chemin du Four 2 Torgon - that the search cannot find!?

(25 Apr '17, 18:27) SelfishSeahorse

That would have to be looked at in detail, however there is a completely different issue with that address: it is not from a source that is legal to use in OpenStreetMap and needs to be removed.

(25 Apr '17, 18:33) SimonPoole ♦

Back to the topic on hand, yes your example fails, but it is found without the place

On the other hand is found with place (Rue de la Lanche 2, Torgon)

Can't explain it right now but that might be due to the time of day.

(25 Apr '17, 22:51) SimonPoole ♦

Nominatim (the search engine behind website) ignores a lot of address information on the nodes. Basically it takes the house number from the node and uses the street name to look up a nearby road with the same name. Then the rest of the address is taken from information found via the way.

This does not mean that the address information on a node is completely useless, as there might be other geocoders that use that information.

You can find more information about this topic on and

(26 Apr '17, 06:46) escada

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question asked: 25 Apr '17, 12:44

question was seen: 2,357 times

last updated: 26 Apr '17, 06:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum