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I'm using QL to try & return data of changesets created in the previous day.

out meta;

This code returns the data I require (changeset & user) but does it for each entity found:

  "<"way id="197195793" version="3" timestamp="2017-04-24T16:41:29Z" changeset="12345678" uid="876432" user="Joe Bloggs">

Is there a way to return purely a list of the changesets?

OT Website question: Why doesn't the Markdown 'code' button accept (auto translate) '<' characters?!!

asked 25 Apr '17, 12:20

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

For everybody who get past this question, here's the answer:

node(if: changeset() == "CHANGESET_ID")({{bbox}});

permanent link

answered 30 Oct '22, 00:25

hanzceo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

That doesn't answer the question.

(30 Oct '22, 01:31) DaveF

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question asked: 25 Apr '17, 12:20

question was seen: 2,579 times

last updated: 30 Oct '22, 01:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum