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Parks commonly have maps at the entrances, showing paths and amenities like play areas and toilets. A possible short-cut to adding these features to OSM is to photograph the map, use mapwarper to make a base image and trace it. I've done this experimentally for Gallions Reach Park (OSM), (See also mapwarper record and changeset).

I've been saving up other public maps to process in the same way - is there likely to be an objection on copyright or other grounds?

asked 21 Apr '17, 13:12

spiregrain's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I can't help on the copyright issue but I have questions about using mapwarper the way you have. I have several public domain maps of parks similar to the one you describe that are in PDF format. There is a plugin for JOSM that imports PDFs but I can't seem to make it work. Is there a procedure or how-to for using photos as you've done that I can read somewhere?



(22 Apr '17, 12:46) AlaskaDave

You can export PDF to image file using some PDF viewers and also using Photoshop

(22 Apr '17, 13:55) ff5722

Mapwarper links this tutorial:

Once the map is in Mapwarper the export tab on the map page will have a tiled imagery link usable in various OSM editors.

(22 Apr '17, 14:06) maxerickson

You should also have a look at the JOSMplugin It lets you use a picture as a imagery layer, with warping and rotating etc.

(22 Apr '17, 14:13) FredrikLindseth

I've deleted the misleading and wrong answer that was originally given to this question and moved maxericksons correct observation in its place.

In general asking legal question on the help site is not a good idea, and it is even a worse idea to give answers to such questions without knowing what you are doing.

(24 Apr '17, 15:32) SimonPoole ♦

Works published after 1989 have copyright in the US even without a mark and should be considered protected and not suitable for use in OSM without explicit permission from the the rights owner.

Note as SK53 points out the location is not actually located in the US and as therefore US laws are not relevant in any case.

permanent link

answered 24 Apr '17, 11:32

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

edited 25 Apr '17, 13:12

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


The park in question is in Greater London! However any map in a park owned by a local authority will almost certainly have been made with Ordnance Survey data and is thus out-of-bounds as a map for OSM use.

(25 Apr '17, 12:00) SK53 ♦

One follow up, a US-based mapping enthusiast has made available maps for the US National Parks. See:

Presumably, these too cannot be added to OSM directly.

(04 May '17, 11:18) spiregrain

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question asked: 21 Apr '17, 13:12

question was seen: 2,574 times

last updated: 04 May '17, 11:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum