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Looking at the instructions for tagging farmland, it seems to be preferred to tag famland as landuse=farmland now, instead of landuse=farm (as there is less ambiguity).

Given I've been tagging landuse=farm for farmland (and landuse=farmyard for farmyards), is there any way in which I can mass change my landuse=farm to landuse=farmland?

Ta Chris

asked 06 Jun '11, 08:45

c2r's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%


Looking at which instructions for tagging farmland?? (link?) To me they all seem to indicate that landuse=farm is preferred over landuse=farmland.

...did you mean the other way round?

(06 Jun '11, 12:03) Harry Wood

@Harry Wood: landuse=farm is older, but considered more ambiguous (because it predates the introduction of landuse=farmyard). Therefore, there are different opinions which tag should be preferred: The JOSM presets, for example, only include landuse=farmland. Taginfo counts 375 660 landuse=farm and 215 387 landuse=farmland.

(06 Jun '11, 12:41) Tordanik

@Harry Wood, I thought I'd seen it at more than proposal form, although I must admit to finding things in the wiki can be tricky..

(06 Jun '11, 13:25) c2r

@Tordanik Wow. I've been trying to explain to people what landuse=farm means for several years now, blogging and drawing pretty diagrams, and trying to understand why people think it's "ambiguous". But those little words you've written in brackets... I think maybe that's it! The justification for landuse=farmyard! See the (one-sided) discussion on this: What's wrong with landuse=farm? Am I right?

(06 Jun '11, 15:21) Harry Wood

Using JOSM:

  • download the area where you map
  • open the search (Ctrl+f)
  • search for the following string: landuse=farm user:c2r
  • edit the landuse value for all selected objects
  • upload the change with an informative changeset comment

Be aware that this will modify all objects for which you were the last user to touch them. It's possible that other users have contributed to these objects, too. You should therefore be careful what exactly you edit, especially when the change is, as in the example of farm vs. farmland, mostly a matter of personal preference.

permanent link

answered 06 Jun '11, 12:34

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

I'll download JOSM and take a look - I must admit that I've always used potlatch instead, but it shouldn't be to steep a learning curve!

Ta Chris

(06 Jun '11, 13:27) c2r

I'm holding off on the conversion, as there is discussion ongoing here:

Cheers Chris

permanent link

answered 06 Jun '11, 19:15

c2r's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 06 Jun '11, 08:45

question was seen: 4,303 times

last updated: 06 Jun '11, 19:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum