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I took the map of Winnipeg's Zoo and brought it into Blender, it came in fine using the plug-in but there is no height information. All I see are red flat images of buildings, no 3d models. What do I need to do to get 3d models from map?

asked 17 Apr '17, 20:31

darlala's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There are two issues:

  1. the building coverage is not particularly good (and what is there is not squared, sigh)
  2. the building polygons that are available don't have any height information available.

Random example

The good thing about OSM is that you can rectify both issues easily (with a bit of time) yourself. Create yourself an account and start editing

Adding building outlines is quite straight forward, for building heights see:

permanent link

answered 17 Apr '17, 21:00

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 17 Apr '17, 20:31

question was seen: 2,619 times

last updated: 17 Apr '17, 21:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum