I created a way (486594123), which is a boundary of a neighborhood. There is a node (153966491) of this neighborhood already, though some of the information is incorrect.
asked 13 Apr '17, 16:12 divided |
The name should probably just be "Hough". The other information can be calculated, for example: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/details.php?place_id=418128 If there is not any government for the neighborhood, it should be tagged "landuse=residential" rather than boundary=administrative. For towns and cities the usual US practice is to have both a boundary and a node. I'm not sure that makes as much sense for neighborhoods. For the cities, the node can be linked into the boundary, look at the bottom of the left pane, the admin_centre: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/135101 But a neighborhood usually doesn't have an administrative function. I think what I would probably do is leave the node (because they are often used for labeling) and then not put a place= tag on the landuse area. answered 13 Apr '17, 21:13 maxerickson I see the admin_centre but how do you actually link the two?
(13 Apr '17, 21:26)
Open the boundary relation in the JOSM relation editor and manually add the node with the admin_centre role. I don't think there is really a widely used system of linking neighborhood areas to place nodes though.
(13 Apr '17, 21:30)
Hi I think you can use the "Replace Geometry" function of JOSM. You have to select both the boundary and the node and press Ctrl + Shift + G. This will combine both and keep the recently created geometry, which is the boundary. Then you can just correct the information. This way, the node history will remain as well. answered 14 Apr '17, 15:32 mmahmud Takk skal du ha this helped me in project du er fantastisk å være,
(07 Jan '20, 04:40)