I was verifying the Josm validation of an area and I get the error "Multipolygon relation should be tagged with area tags and not the outer way" with the relation 2678858. Tried adding area tags like |
You must removed the natural=water from the way that forms the outline of the polygon. The natural=water-tag should only be on the relation. The tagging scheme with tags on the outer way AND the relation is called "old style" and this is now deprecated. They stopped rendering these polygons recently. wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:multipolygon#Legacy_Data |
Hello, this problem will show up if you are not properly tagging the features. For example, if you want to draw a courtyard inside a building, you need to draw two buildings, one inside the other. When you create the multipolygon from going to Preset --> Relations --> Multipolygon, it will provide you with option to name your multipolygon and choose roles for each of the buildings. The individual features cannot have buildings tags anymore if they are in a multipolygon. What you have to do is, create two blocks with no tags, create the multipolygon and then edit the multipolygon itself and tag them properly. There is another way where you can create the features and then create the multipolygon. Do this: Select the features, then press Ctrl + B, that will create the multipolygon with the necessary tags and roles. If you find any roles not proper, then you can edit the role from Tags tab. Following link will help you a lot on this: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:multipolygon |
On your particular relation you need to add natural=water to the relation tags and delete that tag from the outer way. The place=islet tag is correctly placed on the inner way.