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We need to map a series of maxweight restrictions. But with an exception for both destination traffic and agricultural vehicles. I suppose it would look something like this:

maxweight=* maxweight:conditional=none @ (destination, agricultural)


maxweight=* maxweight:conditional=none @ destination; none @ agricultural

Is this the best solution? Are both valid? Am I missing a wiki page where these kinds of combinations are explained?

asked 07 Apr '17, 09:07

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joost schouppe
accept rate: 12%

The conditional restrictions scheme doesn't define how to combine several conditions. It defines an AND operator but we need an OR operator here. Therefore the only solution is to define multiple separate conditions as done in your second suggestion:

maxweight:conditional=none @ destination; none @ agricultural

Note that none @ agricultural specifies the purpose of the highway use. It doesn't give a general permission for all agricultural vehicles. If you want to allow all agricultural vehicles (independent of their purpose) then you have to use maxweight:agricultural:conditional=none maxweight:agricultural=no instead.

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answered 07 Apr '17, 09:17

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 07 Apr '17, 13:28


the 5th example on the conditional restrictions page does something similar for busses , but uses maxweight:bus=none (so it does not repeat the :conditional). Should this be corrected then ?

(07 Apr '17, 12:54) escada

Good question. Without the :conditional part would be the "old" (i.e. non-conditional) tagging style, in this case maxweight:agricultural=no. So I guess there are two possible tagging schemes for specifying no maxweight restriction for vehicle types (yay!). Preferring the old (and simpler) style seems to be a good idea. Thanks for the hint, I've updated my answer.

(07 Apr '17, 13:27) scai ♦

Right, reading your clarification I understand we can make a difference between vehicles that are built to do something agricultural, and vehicles that happen to be doing something agricultural? So the maxweight:conditional=none @ destination; none @ agricultural means that agricultural vehicles are allowed, unless they aren't entering the area to do something agricultural. But of course, they are still allowed if they have to be there. Hmm, so remains to be seen what the Belgian lawmaker means with "landbouwvoertuigen": the purpose of the vehicle or the purpose of the trip...

(07 Apr '17, 17:08) joost schouppe

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question asked: 07 Apr '17, 09:07

question was seen: 2,528 times

last updated: 07 Apr '17, 17:08

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