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I'm sure it's not just & Galileo, but here are where I first noticed the problem. I created 3 nodes, all bowling alleys, using either or Go Map!! on iOS then made edits using Go Map!!. When I later updated my maps on and Galileo I found that the name of each place doesn't show. On only "addr:housenumber" shows. Moreover it shows up as a building and not "leisure=bowling_alley". I'm unable to change it. I also checked each tag on Go Map!! I don't see anything wrong. The strange thing is that this seems to be occurring only with the bowling alley nodes I created and not with other establishments.

How can I fix this? Or can someone on the back end fix this? Below are the affected places. Maybe someone who knows XML better than I or is more familiar with tags has a solution.

MG Bowl (node 4559392089) Sea Side Bowl (node 4565921038 Game Amusement Museum (node 4565215133 アミュージアム高松店 (node 4565215134)

Note: 4565215133 and 4565215134 are the same place. They should actually be merged into a single node. I'm not sure why they became two separate nodes in the first place.

asked 06 Apr '17, 00:54

Ahikanana's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Apr '17, 07:15

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Do you have the node or way id numbers for these bowling alleys so that we can check the tagging?

(06 Apr '17, 17:22) trigpoint

You should file improvement requests for each of the applications. Not all features are rendered on all maps. There are different reasons why features are not rendered. (e.g. because it is not an important feature in the country of the maker or just an oversight, etc.). Typically feature types that are not rendered should be logged as improvements, not bugs.

You could e.g. ask on to improve the default map you find on and other apps have different places to ask for improvements. As fas as the default map is concerned, this is maintained by a small team, so they appreciate any help you could give them by providing a patch or an icon to be rendered.

permanent link

answered 06 Apr '17, 04:21

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Thank you escada for your suggestion. Although the scenario you describe is certainly possible, I don't believe it pertains to this particular case. The reason is that there is another bowling alley in the same city complete with its name and an icon of a bowling ball and pin. I also created the node for it. What may be possible is that I used to create it whereas the others, if my memory serves me well, I created usIng Go Map. So the problem might lie in the XML created using Go Map, i.e., it might contain wrong formatting when using the "leisure=bowling_alley" tag. So I think I will contact the maker of Go Map regarding this.

As to the existing faulty nodes, I will try to delete them and start over using

(06 Apr '17, 14:31) Ahikanana

as far as I can see none of the bowling alleys are rendered on the standard map: . As for the other Apps, are you sure that they have updated their maps since you have added the information ?

(07 Apr '17, 04:07) escada

Sorry I lost track of this post. I was sure that the apps have updated their maps because prior to my adding the node there was nothing at all. I later deleted one node (Seaside Bowl) then made a new one from scratch as I said I would. It now displays correctly although the node type is "Entertainment", at least its better than it was before. I'll try to redo the other affected nodes later when I have a chance.

(18 May '17, 05:31) Ahikanana

overpass-turbo looks like a handy tool. I may use it sometime. Thanks for showing it.

(18 May '17, 05:32) Ahikanana

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question asked: 06 Apr '17, 00:54

question was seen: 3,235 times

last updated: 18 May '17, 05:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum