I added significant detail to a section of our city over the last couple of weeks, enough that it is visible at many zoom levels. Everything has been fully rendered at zoom levels 13 and up. Nothing re-rendered at zoom levels 12 and below. I examined the specific tile status for zoom levels 9 through 12. In all cases:
By any chance:
Lower zooms are more expensive to render (there's more data per tile to consider) and are typically only (re)rendered as a batch job when the rendering style gets updated, to cut down on frequent expensive renders. Can't find the reference to your specific question right now, but Featured_tile_layers/Updates and how-often-does-the-main-mapnik-map-get-updated have plenty of info. Wow. Since render style is stable that means this really only happens manually.
(02 Apr '17, 15:13)
https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/releases the rendering style does get regular updates. Some releases might get skiped by openstreetmap.org's renderer but in general they're pretty close.
(02 Apr '17, 17:07)
Vincent de P... ♦