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I was wondering how can I export all the roads (car drivable ones) of USA from OSM? To export it with the website I need to specify some boundaries, but I need only USA's road (and obviously USA's border is not a rectangle). The same is when I try to export it from QGIS's using OpenLayers plugin and also with overpass-turbo. My final goal is to import it into POSTGIS or QGIS. I am sure this is something trivial, but I am new to OSM and can't figure it out.


asked 01 Apr '17, 07:38

Lianna94's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

For such a large region you should download an extract and filter out the roads:

There are a variety of OSM specific tools that can do this filtering as they load data into a database:

permanent link

answered 01 Apr '17, 14:06

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

... and see for its features.

(03 Apr '17, 21:08) stephan75


You can download the Shape files from the following link and then extract only the roads.

permanent link

answered 09 Apr '17, 07:06

mmahmud's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

thanks mmahmud, but how can I merge them after? Or it doesn't make sense to merge them because of the size?

(25 Apr '17, 01:38) Lianna94

Sorry, merging with what? What is the ultimate goal here? And did the extraction work?

(25 Apr '17, 03:40) mmahmud

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question asked: 01 Apr '17, 07:38

question was seen: 5,995 times

last updated: 25 Apr '17, 03:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum