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Is it possible to integrate traffic layer or traffic data from Google on OpenStreetMaps?

Thank you in advance.

asked 30 Mar '17, 10:36

mclopes's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There are no legal restrictions to showing traffic information on top of an OSM map as long as you show an attribution for OSM. For more information see the licence and legal FAQ.

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answered 30 Mar '17, 17:09

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 30 Mar '17, 19:57

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


Note: the statement is "there are no legal restrictions" is only from an OSM point of view, you may, naturally, be breaking googles or others terms of use, but you need to find out that yourself.

(30 Mar '17, 19:57) SimonPoole ♦

Hi OSM keeps strick to legal rules. Since the data is Google's, the basic rule is dont use it, just to avoid legal questions you should ask Google and if you need to ask somenone dont think about it. Collect your own data in the field or on the road and add it to OSM. Read these lines as wel ;

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answered 30 Mar '17, 15:13

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Thank you Hendrikklaas!

(30 Mar '17, 17:01) mclopes

This answer applies to importing data from Google directly into the OSM database, which is obviously not allowed. But I believe the question was instead about showing traffic data as a layer on top of OSM.

(30 Mar '17, 19:30) Tordanik

Tordanik, yes, my question is related to showing traffic data as a layer on top of OSM. I want to know if it is possible to show a google traffic layer on top of OSM. Or ar there other traffic layer services instead of google that I can use on top of OSM?

(31 Mar '17, 11:53) mclopes

Have a closer look at the apps (even opensource) and ... they can display traffic layers. But I don't know the source of that extra layer.

(03 Apr '17, 21:12) stephan75

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question asked: 30 Mar '17, 10:36

question was seen: 7,858 times

last updated: 03 Apr '17, 21:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum