Is there an established way of tagging house numbers on buildings which have more than one number (typically one for each entrance/staircase), without going into micro-mapping the actual positions of the entrances? Here, somebody put a range in addr:housenumber. Do routers in general understand this (mapnik apparently renders it). Do semicolons work (addr:housenumber=91;93;95)? Here, I copped out and just dropped nodes in approximate locations (most of those buildings have two entrances, on opposite sides, for each number). Is that better? asked 29 Mar '17, 08:06 turepalsson |
If the house numbers correspond to entrances in the real world, then mapping the entrances and adding the address tags to these entrances is generally the best solution. (I know you excluded this in your question, but other readers might consider this option.) If you want or need to add the address tags to the building itself, different mapping styles have been discussed in the past, with no clear preference:
Placing unconnected nodes on top of the building isn't uncommon either, but while it can look ok on some maps, it doesn't have clearly defined semantics and (from personal experience) makes it easy for the data to become messed up when people move either the address or building without also moving the other. There's a relevant section of the wiki that offers a glimpse of the ongoing debate, but no clear recommendations. answered 30 Mar '17, 09:18 Tordanik |
This example looks ok here but to find the houses with nominatim 165 jeavons lane doesn't work but 163-185 jeavons lane together does?? so we need more info on how to enter those numbers. For semi- detached pairs ( two houses joined ) a search works. more dense numbers are messy with two or three story flats. nominatim finds this one (of a pair_ "20, Drivers Avenue, Huntingdon CP (Hunts), Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, East of England, England, PE29 1UP, United Kingdom" here The house numbering here works fine, try it. There a bit here on flats answered 29 Mar '17, 17:24 andy mackey Not sure how it works in Sweden or the UK but here in Germany something like 163-185 Jeavons Lane would not indicate a range of individual numbers. Instad 163-185 would be the single number of the building. This happens for example if a larger building occupies several smaller plots, where smaller buildings would have received those single numbers. So the address would always be given as 163-185 Jeavons Lane, never as 163 Jeavons Lane or 165 Jeavons lane. That said I don't think a data consumer would be able to defferentiate if 163-185 is the actual number or indicates a collection of numbers in the same building. I wonder if interpolation ( would be the right problem to address this issue, even if not used anlong a street but inside a single building.
(29 Mar '17, 21:27)
Exactly what we do in Nottingham, if its a range of numbers we add addr:interpolation with either addr:housenumber or addr:flats ( most common case).
(30 Mar '17, 09:28)
SK53 ♦
I have just tagged a five house terrace. We will probably have to wait to see if this address is found by nominatim. Try this address 111 thongsley huntingdon
(30 Mar '17, 12:29)
andy mackey
That was quick ( 10 mins) 105 or 113 work but 107, 109 or 111, the ones in between don't. YET
(30 Mar '17, 12:33)
andy mackey
How about creating several adress nodes and putting them at the same location? As long as they are within the boundaries of the building it should make sense. answered 29 Mar '17, 21:50 FredrikLindseth It may look ok on the map if there isn't too many numbers but if you try nominatim address search including a number it does not find these terraces, but without a number it does work.
(30 Mar '17, 08:31)
andy mackey
Hi turepalsson, take a look here, There are 2 ways, depending on the time or trouble the mapper puts into it. If you add all the numbers be sure to add the tag entrance=main and IMHO try to select the numbers around that entrance there and another group elsewhere based on local knowledge. The long building / apartments in the middle has as visible on the roof top 4 entrances. Take a look at the north- east corner, there is the same kind of building with the address nodes in groups near the entrances, the ideal situation. answered 29 Mar '17, 10:58 Hendrikklaas By Dijkstra’s beard, I thought Swedish house numbering was bad…! :-) Anyway, looks like "put nodes in approximately the right place".
(29 Mar '17, 11:06)
I'm not sure what the most ideal way would be to deal with this type of situation, but "randomly scatter address nodes in a blob inside the building outline" doesn't seem right to me. Thankfully this isn't how addressing works in Canada (generally the entire building would have one addr:housenumber), so I don't have to deal with it. :)
(29 Mar '17, 16:57)
Using Nomiatim looking for a number between 44-36 Kritstigen doesn't work. but 44 or 36 Kritstigen does, so i think there is a bug.
I also put number nodes on a building which rendered ok. But they are not found by nominatim.