Thank you. I still can't Export as it either says the area covered is too large, or when I zoom in enough and hit Export, it goes to another web page that says File Not Found. Can anyone please explain how to Export and get that map.osm.xml file mentioned. And is there anyway to create and export a map that shows hundreds of miles of area? asked 22 Mar '17, 14:19 HighSouthCre... |
When you click "export" you see a message that says "If the above export fails, please consider using one of the sources listed below". Exports tend to fail because the area is too big to export from the API directly, so you're better off using "using one of the sources listed below" (data extracts) and cutting down to the size you want with OSM tools. answered 22 Mar '17, 18:30 SomeoneElse ♦ |
You will not really get a "map" by using the "Export" on the website. It will give you raw OSM data. I guess you should rather have a look at . answered 30 Mar '17, 21:05 aseerel4c26 ♦ |
Is this in relation to your other question here?